How to Use Watercolor Like Oil Paint?

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"Pulling Together" transparent watercolor 22" x 30" 1994

The blog post: “Oil, Watercolor, and Acrylic – Each is Great” prompted this question from a reader, “Tell us how you use watercolor like oil paint.”

Traditionally watercolors have the reputation of only looking good when applied in such a way that features transparency. If you like the watercolors of John Singer Sargent, Edward Hopper, and Winslow Homer – and I assume all aquarellist do – you should be aware that these giants of the medium used lots of opaque white paint. Why they chose to use opaque pigments I must assume is for the same reason I use them, they look good and serve my purposes. I am not pointing fingers here and saying that transparent watercolors are not beautiful. I love the luminosity that can be achieved by layering transparent pigments. I also love the relationship of the juxtaposition of opaque and transparent areas in a painting. I have no biases in this regard.

"Without Fear" opaque watercolor 22"x 30" 2006

Now for the answer to your question, “Tell us how you use watercolor like oil paint.” It is really quite simple, I use less water and more paint.

Any pigment can be made transparent or opaque by adjusting the amount of water used when mixing. Using pigments as they come from the tube without water are opaque thick. Mix any pigment with lots of water and they become transparent. This works for opaque and transparent pigments alike.

White pigment can be made transparent and a transparent pigment like phthalo green can be applied opaquely. Look at the watercolors of Andrew Wyeth and you will discover the shadow areas have a milky translucent quality achieved by the use of davy’s grey and other semitransparent pigments.

That is how I do it the more important question is why I do it. In a word it is freedom. Painting is hard enough without building self imposted limitations.Remember you get no extracredit for making your job more difficult. If I can improve a painting by adding white paint, black paint, or fire ants I will use them. I do not feel more self-righteous when I use nothing but transparant pigments anymore that I do when using opaque pigments. Let us make personal creative decisions based on intent not technique.

Thanks for the question and great creating.

Skip Lawrence

Skip Lawrence

I love everything about painting. I love feeling the paint, seeing a rich color spread under my brush onto a surface, and the play between colors coming together. I love watching my idea take form until a painting finally says “it” and I am surprised and delighted every time. I love sharing my art and knowing that someone is moved by it.