Greeting Card Paintings

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For many years I have enjoyed making hand painted cards for Christmas. These are popular with many of my closest friends to the point that if I miss sending them, I get questions as to why “we did not get our annual card?”

Since I so much enjoy the chance to make small paintings and to try everything and anything that comes to mind, it is never a chore.

The process begins by tearing 22″x30″ 140 lb. watercolor paper in half making (2) 15″x 22″ sheets, each of these is torn in half making (4) 11″ x 15″ sheets, that are torn in half making (8) 7″ x 11″ which I FOLD in half – the cards are made. Now the fun begins. I make a border using masking tape and the painting begins.

I rarely do any drawing but jump right in with a vague notion and a declaration a color. This sets the feeling tone for the image and generates a stream of endless possibilities. I have complete freedom to paint any subject , figures, landscape, non-objective, light ,dark, good and bad. Enjoy the trip!!!

Skip Lawrence

Skip Lawrence

I love everything about painting. I love feeling the paint, seeing a rich color spread under my brush onto a surface, and the play between colors coming together. I love watching my idea take form until a painting finally says “it” and I am surprised and delighted every time. I love sharing my art and knowing that someone is moved by it.