In Search of the Next

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My most recent post is a reprint from “The Palette Magazine”, that I hope and trust that anyone reading my post will be a subscriber.

The transition from scissor to pencil is equally interesting to me as it allows full range to creative possibilities. Most of what I now create would not exist without the freedom to explore every thought and idea that is presented. I intend to share my discoveries with you on this blog. I hope you will find my journey interesting and helpful.


“Brown Pencil” 12x 12″ acrylic, collage, pencil

“Torn” 12″x 12″ acrylic, collage, on pape

“Blue Lead 12″x12”

“White Lead” 12″x12″ Acrylic, collage on board

Skip Lawrence

Skip Lawrence

I love everything about painting. I love feeling the paint, seeing a rich color spread under my brush onto a surface, and the play between colors coming together. I love watching my idea take form until a painting finally says “it” and I am surprised and delighted every time. I love sharing my art and knowing that someone is moved by it.